Unternehmen/Organisation:wir reinigen deinen teppich
Baumkirchner Strasse 3,
81673 Munchen

We are We Clean Your Carpet, the first leading marketplace for carpet cleaning in Germany. Our goal is to automate the process of professional carpet cleaning and connect customers and washing centers with one another using cutting-edge technology and global collaboration.
Our web platform simplifies the frontline process for both customers and wash centers by ensuring convenience and revolutionizing the way carpet cleaning service is provided.

You can use our platform to have your clean carpet picked up and returned to you on the day and in the time window you want. From your front door - to your front door!
Ali Görüryılmaz, the founder of We Clean Your Carpet, has the vision to make the cleaning process for carpets as easy as booking a hotel or ordering a pizza. In other words, with just a few clicks, you have your carpets back in your home clean.

Ansprechpartner:Wir Reinigen Deinen Teppich
Mehr Infos:1 Pressemitteilung
Founder and CEO of We Clean Your CarpetMy vision is to make the carpet cleaning process as easy and quick as booking a hotel or ordering a pizza, just a few clicks away!
Registriert seit:06.11.2020
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Wir sind Wir Reinigen Deinen Teppich, der erste führende Marktplatz für Teppichreinigung in Deutschland. Unser Ziel ist es, den Prozess der professionellen Teppichreinigung zu automatisieren und Kunden und Waschzentren mithilfe von Spitzentechnologie und globaler Zusammenarbeit miteinander zu verbinden. Unsere Webplattform vereinfacht den Prozess an vorderster ...